To the hawk’s cliff


Today I visited Hawk’s Cliff — I love that possessive ‘s’ — the cliff really does belong to the birds.


Looking out over Lake Erie, the bluff stands several meters above the blue. It was a sunny, still day, and only two bald eagles were spotted; but on a day with the right kind of winds, hawks can be seen in large  numbers.


On days like that, this lowly road allowance* is inundated with birders hoping to catch a glimpse of these majestic soarers.


If you’re ever in Elgin County, I definitely recommend this little treasure. Hawks or no hawks, it’s a lovely place for a picnic.

*The property belongs to the municipality, because it’s where a road would have gone, had it not dead-ended on the lake.  The properties surrounding the road allowance are both privately owned, and therefore birders cannot use them for hawk watching.